2018 BMHL Official Rulebook

Official Rule Book 2018
Section 1
(Types of penalties, calling of penalties, penalty shots, and Supplementary Discipline)
​A.) Minor Penalities (2 minutes)
B.) Bench Minor penalties(2 minutes)
C.) Misconduct/major penalties (1st and only warning, 5 minutes, no ejection)
D.) In the event of misconduct/major penalties
E.) Game misconduct penalties(match penalty, 5 minutes, and a suspension report from the head official to the league)
F.) In the event of Game Misconduct Penalties
G.) Calling of penalties
H.) Calling a Minor Penalty (Goal Scored)
I.) Calling a Penalty (Short-handed Team Goal Scored)
J.) Face-off Locations 
k.) Coincidental Penalties 
L.) Coincidental Major Penalties 
M.) Coincidental Match Penalties 
N.) Applying the Coincidental Penalty Rule
O.) Suspensions 
P.) Suspensions (Abuse of Officials)
Q.) Penalty Shot
R.) Designated Player For Penalty Shot
S.) Violations During the Penalty Shot 
T.) After Penalty Shot Face-Off Location
U.) Penalty Shot Situations
V.) Penalty Shot Timing and conditions
W.) Awarded Goals on Breakaways/Penalty Shots
X.) Delayed Penalties
Y.) Goalkeeper’s Penalties and Supplementary Discipline
Z.) Supplementary Discipline
Section 2
(Regulations, Captains, Alternate captains, Team Rosters)
A.) Arena Regulations
B.) Team Regulations
C.) Players, Goalies, and Coaches/Team Personnel Regulation
D.) Captain and Alternate Captains
E.) Team Rosters
Section 3
(Equipment, Officials, Linesmen, Stats keeper/score keeper/time keeper, and Goal Judges)
A.) Equipment
B.) Head Officials
C.) Linesmen
D.) Stats keeper/score keeper/time keeper
E.) Video Goal Judges
Section 4
(Forfeits, Face-offs, Game and Intermission Timing)
A.) Forfeits
​B.) Face-offs
C.) Game and Intermission Timing 
Section 5
(Goals, Icing, Line changes, Off-Side)
​A.) Goals
B.) Icing
C.) Line Changes
D.) Off-side
Section 6
(Overtime, Shootout, Playoff Overtime, Puck Out Of Bounds, Start of Game and Periods)
A.) Overtime (Regular Season)
B.) Shootout
C.) Overtime (Playoffs)
D.) Puck Out Of Bounds
E.) Start of Game and Periods
Section 7
(Time-outs, Free Agent signings, Trade Deadline, Trades, Draft, Regular Season, Playoffs, Reschedules, Game Attendance)
A.) Time-outs
B.) Free Agent signings, Trade Deadline and Trades
C.) Regular Season
D.) Playoffs
E.) Reschedules
F.) Game Attendance
I.)  Owner Replacement

Section 1 (Types of penalties, calling of penalties, penalty shots, and Supplementary Discipline)
A.) Minor Penalties (2 minutes)
Delay of game
(Goalie no zone rule): When any goalie during play touches the puck inside the goalies no zone results in an automatic penalty for delay of game.
(Leaving penalty bench too early): When a penalized player at any time (except during intermissions) leaves the penalty box before his penalty time is up.
(Goalie participating in the play beyond the centre red line): When a goalie without being pulled fully crosses the other side of the centre red line.​​

(Purposely Laying on the puck for 5 or more seconds): A player other than the goalkeeper who deliberately falls on or gathers the puck into his body, deeming the puck unplayable and causing a stoppage of play.
Illegal stick: When a player uses a goalie stick and makes contact with the puck when his qualified position on the ice is not a goalie.
Unsportsmanlike conduct minor: When a player or goalie shows disrespect to the sport of hockey by...
  • Verbal abuse at opposing players.
  • Verbal abuse at opposing fans.
  • Verbal abuse at the opposing team
  • Verbal abuse at the opposing coaching staff
  • Verbal abuse at the referees
  • Hitting, body checking, or hip checking a referee during play.
B.) Bench Minor penalties(2 minutes)
-Refusing to start or continue play: When a team tries to delay the time of the game by taking forever to start or continue a game through a face-off.

-Stepping onto ice during period (Coach): When a coach steps onto the ice anytime during play and isn't listed as a legal player on the website team roster.

-Throwing objects onto ice: Throwing/dropping their stick, equipment or hats on the ice on purpose.

-Too many men: Having too many players on the ice when play is live and have control of the puck, or having players standing on the boards of their own bench.

-Standing on the top of the player bench boards.

-Fans are allowed the teams bench, but they are responsible for their actions so if they go on the ice. The team that allowed the fan on the bench is penalized. 2 bench passes maximum is allowed. Any more is a penalty. Coaching staff and players do not count towards the bench pass rule.
C.) Misconduct/major penalties (1st and only warning, 5 minutes, no ejection)
  • Continuing or attempting to continue a fight.
  • Fighting off the playing surface (or with another player who is off the playing surface.)
  • Interfering or distracting opponent taking a penalty shot.
  • Use of profane or abusive language.
  • Verbal abuse of an official.
  • First to intervene in an altercation (third man in.)
  • Leaving the penalty bench during an altercation.
  • Persists to challenge or dispute an official’s ruling.
  • Physically abuses an official.
  • Player who has been ordered to the dressing room but returns to the bench or the ice.
  • Racial taunts or slurs.
D.) In the event of misconduct/major penalties
In the event of misconduct penalties to any players except the goalkeeper, the players shall be ruled off the ice for a period of five (5) minutes each. 

Misconduct Penalty (goalkeeper): Should a goalkeeper on the ice incur a misconduct penalty, this penalty shall be served by another member of his team who was on the ice when the offense was committed. This player is to be designated by the Manager or Coach of the offending team through the Captain. 
Short-handed: A player receiving a misconduct penalty does cause his team to play short-handed. Should the opposing team score during the time the minor penalty is being served, the minor penalty shall terminate and the misconduct to the originally penalized player shall commence immediately. When a player receives a major penalty and a misconduct penalty at the same time.
E.) Game misconduct penalties(match penalty, 5 minutes, and a suspension report from the head official to the league)
 Exact same rulings of a misconduct/major but the player was already warned and penalized then committed another misconduct/major resulting in that player being kicked/banned out of the game, a 5 minute game misconduct with a substitute player in the box, and a suspension report on that player to the league. ​
 F.) In the event of Game Misconduct Penalties

Game Misconduct Penalty:
  • A game misconduct penalty involves the suspension of a player for the balance of the game but a substitute is permitted to replace immediately the player so removed. Five minutes are applied in the league records to the player incurring a game misconduct penalty. A player incurring a game misconduct penalty shall be reported to the Commissioner who shall have full power to impose such further penalties by way of suspension on the penalized player or any other player involved in the altercation. 
  • Any game misconduct penalty for which a player has been assessed an automatic suspension or supplementary discipline in the form of game suspension(s) by the Commissioner shall not be taken into account when calculating the total number of offenses under this subsection. 
  • The automatic suspensions incurred under this subsection in respect to League games shall have no effect with respect to violations during Playoff games.
  • Any request by a Club or Association to have a game misconduct reviewed and rescinded by the League must submit their request in writing to the League’s Commissioner within 48 hours of the conclusion of the game in which the game misconduct was assessed. Failure to submit the written request within this time frame will automatically result in the game misconduct being upheld and no further review of the incident will be considered or entertained.
  • Illegal substitution (no warning): When a team uses a player that isn't listed on the league website team roster. The player who isn't listed on the league website will automatically be suspended for how many games that they played and how many points they got for the entire season before they got caught. All accounts for that player shall be suspended the exact same amount of games. That alt account shall also be banned for entirety. 
  • ​Admin abuse and exploiting (no warning): When a player abuses their admin or uses exploits to impact the result of the game. Automatically suspended for at least one game. The game will be redone if the team with the illegal account wins.
G.) Calling of penalties
The referee must wait for the team with the player being penalized to gain full possession of the puck before he/she blows their whistle. Then he/she must guide the player with the penalty to the penalty box. After that they must report the penalty to the scorekeeper/person keeping track of stats and tell them which penalty it is and how long the penalty is.
H.) Calling a Minor Penalty (Goal Scored)
  • If the penalty to be imposed is a minor penalty and a goal is scored on the play by the non-offending side, the minor penalty shall not be imposed but major and match penalties shall be imposed in the normal manner regardless of whether or not a goal is scored.
  • If two or more minor penalties were to be imposed and a goal is scored on the play by the non-offending side, the Captain or Head Coach of the offending team shall designate to the Referee which minor penalty will be assessed and which minor penalty will be washed out as a result of the scoring of the goal.
I.) Calling a Penalty (Short-handed Team Goal Scored)
  • If when a team is “short-handed” by reason of one or more minor or bench minor penalties, the Referee signals a further minor penalty or penalties against the “short-handed” team and a goal is scored by the non-offending side before the whistle is blown, then the goal shall be allowed. The penalty or penalties signaled shall be assessed and the first of the minor penalties already being served shall automatically.
  • Major and match penalties shall be imposed in the normal manner regardless of whether or not a goal is scored. 
  •  Should a minor or bench minor penalty be signaled against a team already short-handed by reason of a major (or match) penalty, but before the play can be stopped to assess the minor or bench minor penalty, a goal is scored by the non-offending side, the signaled minor or bench minor penalty shall not be imposed due to the scoring of the goal.
  •  Should a penalty be signaled against a team already short-handed by reason of one or more minor or bench minor penalties, and the signaled penalty would result in the awarding of a penalty shot, but before the Referee can stop play to award the penalty shot, the non offending team scores a goal, then the signaled penalty (that would have resulted in a penalty shot) shall be assessed as a minor (double minor, major or match) penalty and the first of the minor penalties already being served shall automatically terminate. 
J.) Face-off Locations â€‹
When players are penalized at a stoppage of play so as to result in one or more penalties being placed on the penalty time clock to one team, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted at one of the two face-off spots in the offending team’s end zone.

There are only four (4) exceptions to this application:
-when a penalty is assessed after the scoring of a goal – face-off at center ice;.
-when a penalty is assessed at the end (or start) of a period – face-off at center ice;.
-when the defending team is penalized and the attacking players enter the attacking zone beyond the outer edge of the end -zone face-off circle – face-off in the neutral zone.
-when the team not being penalized ices the puck – face-off in the neutral zone outside the blue line of the team icing the puck.
K.) Coincidental Penalties 
  • When coincident minor penalties or coincident minor penalties of equal duration are imposed against players of both teams, the penalized players shall all take their places on the penalty benches and such penalized players shall not leave the penalty bench until the expiry of their respective penalties. Where goalkeepers are involved.
  •  Immediate substitution shall be made for an equal number of minor penalties or coincident minor penalties of equal duration to each team so penalized and the penalties of the players for which substitutions have been made shall not be taken into account for the purpose of the delayed penalty rule. This rule only applies when at least one team is already serving a time penalty in the penalty box that causes them to be short-handed. 
  •  When one minor penalty is assessed to one player of each team at the same stoppage in play, these penalties will be served without substitution provided there are no other penalties in effect and visible on the penalty clocks. Both teams will therefore play three skaters against three skaters for the duration of the minor penalties. 
  •  When multiple penalties are assessed to both teams, equal numbers of minor and major penalties shall be eliminated using the coincident penalty rule and any differential in time penalties shall be served in the normal manner and displayed on the penalty time clock accordingly. If there is no differential in time penalties, all players will serve their allotted penalty time, but will not be released until the first stoppage of play following the expiration of their respective penalties.
L.) Coincidental Major Penalties 
  • When coincident major penalties or coincident penalties of equal duration, including a major and/or a match penalty, are imposed against players of both teams, the penalized players shall all take their places on the penalty benches and such penalized players shall not leave the penalty benches until the first stoppage of play following the expiry of their respective penalties.
  • Immediate substitutions shall be made for an equal number of major penalties, or coincident penalties of equal duration including a major penalty to each team so penalized, and the penalties of the players for which substitutions have been made shall not be taken into account for the purpose of the delayed penalty rule. In such situations, if one or both players have received a game misconduct in addition to their major penalties, no substitutes are required to take their places on the penalty benches.
M.) Coincidental Match Penalties 
When coincident match penalties or coincident penalties of equal duration, including a major and/or a match penalty, are imposed against players of both teams, the players with the match penalties shall be immediately removed from the game and their substitutes shall take their places on the penalty benches. These penalized players shall not leave the penalty benches until the expiry of their respective penalties. Immediate substitutions shall be made for an equal number of major and/or match penalties, or coincident penalties of equal duration including a major or match penalty to each team so penalized, and the penalties of the players for which substitutions have been made shall not be taken into account for the purpose of the delayed penalty rule.
N.) Applying the Coincidental Penalty Rule
When multiple penalties are assessed to both teams at the same stoppage of play, the following rules are to be utilized by the Referees to determine the on-ice strength for both teams:
  1. Cancel as many major and/or match penalties as possible.
  2. Cancel as many minor, bench minor and or double-minor penalties as possible.
O.) Suspensions 
Regular season: Any player who incurs a total of two (2) game misconduct penalties shall be suspended for the next League game of his team. For each subsequent game misconduct penalty, the automatic suspension shall be increased by one game. 
Playoff games: Any player who incurs a total of two game misconduct penalties shall be suspended automatically for the next Playoff game of his team. For each subsequent game misconduct penalty during the Playoffs, the automatic suspension shall be increased by one game. 
P.) Suspensions (Abuse of Officials)
In regular season League or Playoff games, any player who incurs a total of two (2) game misconduct penalties for abuse of officials related infractions shall be suspended automatically for the next League or Playoff game of his team. For each subsequent game misconduct penalty, the automatic suspension shall be increased by one game. ​
Q.) Penalty Shot
Penalty Shot :
  • A penalty shot is designed to restore a scoring opportunity which was lost as a result of a foul being committed by the offending team, based on the parameters set out in these rules. 
  •  He/she shall then place the puck on the center face-off spot and the player taking the shot will, on the instruction of the Referee (by blowing his whistle), play the puck from there and shall attempt to score on the goalkeeper. The puck doesn't have to be kept in motion towards the opponent’s goal line, but he must keep trying to push the puck forward as much as possible. Once it is shot, the play shall be considered complete. No goal can be scored on a rebound of any kind (an exception being the puck off the goal post or crossbar, then the goalkeeper and then directly into the goal), and any time the puck crosses the goal line or comes to a complete stop, the shot shall be considered complete. 
  • The spin-o-rama type move where the player completes a 360° turn as he approaches the goal, shall be permitted. Should a player perform such a move during the penalty shot, the shot shall count.
  • Only a player designated as a goalkeeper or alternate goalkeeper may defend against the penalty shot.
  • The goalkeeper must remain in his crease at all times during the shot.
  • The team against whom the penalty shot has been assessed may replace their goalkeeper to defend against the penalty shot, however, the substitute goalkeeper is required to remain in the game until the next stoppage of play.
  • While the penalty shot is being taken, players of both sides shall withdraw to the sides of the rink and in front of their own player’s bench.
R.) Designated Player For Penalty Shot
  • In cases where a penalty shot has been awarded to a player specifically fouled, that player shall be designated by the Referee to take the penalty shot.
  • In all other cases where a penalty shot has been awarded, the penalty shot shall be taken by a player selected by the Captain of the non-offending team from the players on the ice at the time when the foul was committed. Such selection shall be reported to the Referee and cannot be changed.
  • Should the player in respect to whom a penalty shot has been awarded himself commit a foul in connection with the same play or circumstances, either before or after the penalty shot has been awarded, be designated to take the shot, he shall first be permitted to do so before being sent to the penalty bench to serve the penalty except when such penalty is for a game misconduct or match penalty in which case the penalty shot shall be taken by a player selected by the Captain of the non-offending team from the players on the ice at the time when the foul was committed.
S.) Violations During the Penalty Shot 
  • Should the goalkeeper leave his crease prior to the player taking the penalty shot has touched the puck, and in the event of violation of this rule or any foul committed by a goalkeeper, the Referee shall allow the shot to be taken and if the shot fails, he shall permit the penalty shot to be taken over again. When an infraction worthy of a minor penalty is committed by the goalkeeper during the penalty shot that causes the shot to fail, no penalty is to be assessed but the Referee shall permit the shot to be taken over again.
  • Should a goalkeeper commit a second violation during the penalty shot and the shot fails, he shall be assessed a misconduct penalty and the Referee shall permit the penalty shot to be taken over again.
  • A third such violation shall result in the goalkeeper being assessed a game misconduct penalty. 
  • The goalkeeper may attempt to stop the shot in any manner except by throwing his stick or any object, in which case a goal shall be awarded.
  • If, while the penalty shot is being taken, any player, Coach or nonplaying Club personnel of the opposing team shall have by some action interfered with or distracted the player taking the shot and, because of such action, the shot should have failed, a second attempt shall be permitted and the Referee shall impose a bench minor penalty to the offending team, and if a player on the bench is responsible, a misconduct penalty on the player so interfering or distracting shall be assessed.
  • When a Coach or non-playing Club personnel is guilty of such an act, he shall be automatically suspended from the game, then banned/kicked out and the matter will be reported to the Commissioner for possible further disciplinary action.
  • If, while the penalty shot is being taken, any player, goalkeeper, Coach or non-playing Club personnel of the team taking the shot shall have by some action interfered with or distracted the goalkeeper defending the shot and, because of such action, the shot was successful, the Referee shall rule no goal and shall impose a bench minor penalty to the offending team, and if a player or goalkeeper on the bench is responsible, a misconduct penalty on the player or goalkeeper so interfering or distracting shall be assessed.
  • If, while the penalty shot is being taken, a spectator throws any object onto the ice or, in the judgment of the Referee, interferes with the player taking the shot or the goalkeeper defending the shot, he shall permit the shot be taken again.
  • If, after a player’s stick has been ruled illegal, he attempts to take a penalty shot with a second stick that is also ruled illegal prior to taking the penalty shot, the opportunity to take the penalty shot shall be disallowed. The player shall be assessed one minor penalty for the first illegal stick. ​
T.) After Penalty Shot Face-Off Location
  • If a goal is scored from a penalty shot, the puck shall be faced-off at center ice.​
  • If a goal is not scored, the puck shall be faced-off at either of the end face-off spots in the zone in which the penalty shot was tried, except when another rule dictates the face-off location should be in an alternate location, such as when the point men enter the zone beyond the outer edge of the end zone face-off circle or when the attacking team has been penalized on the same play.
U.) Penalty Shot Situations
  • Should a goal be scored from a penalty shot, a further penalty to the offending player or goalkeeper shall not be applied unless the offense for which the penalty shot was awarded was such as to incur a major, match or misconduct penalty, in which case the penalty prescribed for the particular offense shall be imposed.
  • If the offense for which the penalty shot was awarded was such as to normally incur a minor penalty, then regardless of whether the penalty shot results in a goal or not, no further minor penalty shall be served.
  • If the offense for which the penalty shot was awarded was such as to incur where the offending team is assessed an additional minor penalty on the same play in which a penalty shot was awarded, the first minor penalty is not assessed since the penalty shot was awarded to restore the lost scoring opportunity. The second minor penalty would be assessed and served regardless of whether the penalty shot results in a goal. This will be announced as a double-minor penalty for the appropriate foul and the player will serve two (2) minutes only.
  • No penalty shall expire when a goal is scored against a team on a penalty shot.
  • Should two penalty shots be awarded to the same team at the same stoppage of play (two separate fouls), only one goal can be scored or awarded at a single stoppage of play. Should the first penalty shot result in a goal, the second shot would not be taken but the appropriate penalty would be assessed and served for the infraction committed.
V.) Penalty Shot Timing and Conditions
If the foul upon which the penalty shot is based occurs during actual playing time, the penalty shot shall be awarded and taken immediately in the usual manner notwithstanding any delay occasioned by a slow whistle by the Referee to allow play to continue until the attacking side has lost possession of the puck to the defending side, which delay results in the expiry of the regular playing time in any period.

The time required for the taking of a penalty shot shall not be included in the regular playing time or overtime.

There are four (4) specific conditions that must be met in order for the Referee to award a penalty shot for a player being fouled from behind. They are:
  • The infraction must have taken place in the neutral zone or attacking zone, (i.e. over the puck carrier’s own blue line);
  • The infraction must have been a hit, body check, or hip check committed from behind;
  • The player in possession and control (or, in the judgment of the Referee, clearly would have obtained possession and control of the puck) must have been denied a reasonable chance to score (the fact that he got a shot off does not automatically eliminate this play from the penalty shot consideration criteria. If the foul was from behind and he was denied a “more” reasonable scoring opportunity due to the foul, then the penalty shot should be awarded);
  • The player in possession and control (or, in the judgment of the Referee, clearly would have obtained possession and control of the puck) must have had no opposing player between himself and the goalkeeper. 
If the player is on a breakaway and a spectator hits Faceoff GUI and changes pucks location or removes the puck. The player who is on a clear breakaway will receive a penalty shot. The opposing team will not be charged with a penalty.

If the player is on a breakaway and a player on the opposing team hits the Faceoff GUI. The player who is on a clear breakaway will receive a penalty shot, and the opposing team's player who hit the button will be charged with a "delay of game" penalty.
W.) Awarded Goals on Breakaways/Penalty Shots
 *Awarded Goal: A goal will be awarded to the attacking team when the opposing team has taken their goalkeeper off the ice and an attacking player has possession and control of the puck in the neutral or attacking zone, without a defending player between himself and the opposing goal, and he is prevented from scoring as a result of an infraction committed by the defending team or the puck is removed or teleported away by a spectator or opposing player. If the player on the opposing team body checks an attacking player from behind when they are on a breakaway with an empty net.
X.) Delayed Penalties
Delayed Penalty: If a third player of any team shall be penalized while two players of the same team are serving penalties, the penalty time of the third player shall not commence until the penalty time of one of the two players already penalized has elapsed. Nevertheless, the third penalized player must at once proceed to the penalty bench. He may be substituted for on the ice so as to keep the on-ice strength at no less than one skater for his team. 

2 Penalty Expiration: When any team shall have three players serving penalties at the same time and because of the delayed penalty rule, a substitute for the third offender is on the ice, none of the three penalized players on the penalty bench may return to the ice until play has stopped. When play has been stopped, the player whose full penalty has expired may return to the ice. 
  • ​During the play, the Penalty Timekeeper shall permit the return to the ice of the penalized players, in the order of expiry of their penalties, but only when the penalized team is entitled to have more than four players on the ice. Otherwise, these players must wait until the first stoppage of play after the expiration of their penalties in order to be released from the penalty bench.
  • When the penalties of two players of the same team will expire at the same time, the Captain of that team will designate to the Referee which of such players will return to the ice first and the Referee will instruct the Penalty Timekeeper accordingly (this is done to expedite the release of a player from the penalty bench when the opposing team scores on the power-play).  
  • Major and Minor Penalty - When a major and a minor penalty are imposed at the same time on different players of the same team, the Penalty Timekeeper shall record the minor as being the first of such penalties.
Y.) Goalkeeper’s Penalties
Minor Penalty to Goalkeeper: A goalkeeper shall not be sent to the penalty bench for an offense which incurs a minor penalty, but instead, the minor penalty shall be served by another member of his team who was on the ice when the offense was committed. This player is to be designated by the Manager or Coach of the offending team through the playing Captain and such substitute shall not be changed. A penalized player may not serve a goalkeeper’s penalty. If the goalkeeper is involved in coincidental penalties being assessed and as a result, his team is required to play shorthanded due to additional penalties assessed to the goalkeeper, the player designated to serve the additional time penalties assessed to the goalkeeper may be any player as designated by the Manager or Coach of the offending team through the playing Captain.

Misconduct Penalty to Goalkeeper: Should a goalkeeper on the ice incur a misconduct penalty, this penalty shall be served by another member of his team who was on the ice when the offense was committed. This player is to be designated by the Manager or Coach of the offending team through the Captain.

Game Misconduct Penalty to Goalkeeper: Should a goalkeeper incur a game misconduct penalty, his place will then be taken by a member of his own Club, or by a regular substitute goalkeeper who is available, and such player will be allowed the goalkeeper’s full equipment. Any additional penalties assessed to the goalkeeper, shall be served immediately by a member of the team on the ice when the offenses were committed. This player shall be designated by the Manager or Coach of the offending team through the Captain. However, when the match penalty is coincidental with a match or major penalty to the opposing team, no player is required to proceed to the penalty bench to serve the goalkeeper’s match penalty.

Leaving Goal Crease: A minor penalty shall be imposed on a goalkeeper who leaves the immediate vicinity of his crease during an altercation. In addition, this incident shall be reported to the Commissioner for such further disciplinary action as may be required. However, should the altercation occur in or near the goalkeeper’s crease, the Referee should direct the goalkeeper to a neutral location and not assess a penalty for leaving the immediate vicinity of the goal crease. Equally, if the goalkeeper is legitimately outside the immediate vicinity of the goal crease for the purpose of proceeding to the players’ bench to be substituted for an extra attacker, and he subsequently becomes involved in an altercation, the minor penalty for leaving the crease would not be assessed. In addition, during stoppages of play in the game, he must not proceed to his players’ bench for the purpose of receiving a replacement stick or equipment or to receive instructions, without first obtaining permission to do so from the Referee. Otherwise, he must be replaced by the substitute goalkeeper immediately (without any delay) or be assessed a bench minor penalty for delay of game.

Participating in the Play Over the Center Red Line: If a goalkeeper participates in the play in any manner (intentionally plays the puck or checks an opponent) when he is beyond the center red line, a minor penalty shall be imposed upon him. The position of the puck is the determining factor for the application of this rule. 
Restricted Area: A goalkeeper shall not play the puck outside of the designated area behind the net. This area shall be defined by lines that begin around either goal post and extend diagonally to points apart around the end boards. Should the goalkeeper play the puck outside of the designated area behind the goal line, a minor penalty for delay of game shall be imposed. The determining factor shall be the position of the puck. The minor penalty will not be assessed when a goalkeeper plays the puck while maintaining skate contact with his goal crease.

Body checking an opponent without the puck: Goalies cannot hit, body check or hip check a player on the other team if they are not near the puck.
Z.) Supplementary Discipline
Supplementary Discipline: Suspensions imposed under these rules, the Commissioner may, at his discretion, investigate any incident that occurs in connection with any Pre-season, Exhibition, League or Playoff game and may assess suspensions for any offense committed during the course of a game or any aftermath thereof by a player, goalkeeper, Trainer, Manager, Coach or non-playing Club personnel or Club executive, whether or not such offense has been penalized by the Referee.
If an investigation is requested by a Club or by the League on its own initiative, it must be initiated within twenty-four (24) hours following the completion of the game in which the incident occurred. 

*Pre season and exhibition games: Whenever suspensions are imposed as a result of infractions occurring during pre-season and exhibition games, the Commissioner shall exercise his discretion in scheduling the suspensions to ensure that no team shall be short more players in any regular League game than it would have been had the infractions occurred in regular League games. 

Section 2 (Regulations, Captains, Alternate captains, Team Rosters)
A.) Arena Regulations
  • All BMHL Arenas must be located in the BMHL (tier 1) or BMHL (tier 2) group places.
  • BMHL must have access to every arena to add the proper regulations and conditions for the league gameplay.
B.) Team Regulations
Legal player/goalie: A player or goalie who is marked on the official BMHL website on a team roster and has been approved to play by the league.

Team owner: A person who runs ownership of the hockey club/association.

Every team is required to have a minimum of...
  • 8 legal players.
  • 1 legal goalie.
  • 1 uniform to wear during games.
  • 1 qualified BMHL Arena to play games at.
  • 1 team owner.

Every team must stay at; or under a maximum of...
  • 16 legal players
  • 3 legal goalies
C.) Players, Goalies, and Coaches/Team Personnel Regulation

What makes an illegal player illegal?:
  • Joining more than one official BMHL team (whether it be both tiers or not it doesn't matter.)
  • Not listed on the official BMHL site under the proper team roster.
  • Using an alternate account to duplicate your personality on Roblox.
Illegal Player/Goalie: Only legal players/goalies may participate in the game. The determining factor when considering whether or not a player/goalie is eligible is that the player’s name, and not necessarily the player’s number, must be correctly listed on the official BMHL website of that team's roster. If a goal is scored when an ineligible player is on the ice (whether he was involved in the scoring or not), the goal will be disallowed. This only applies to the goal scored at the stoppage of play whereby the player was deemed to be ineligible. All other goals scored previously by the illegal player’s team (with him/her on the ice or not) shall be allowed. The ineligible player/goalie will be removed from the game. A penalty shall be accessed, and a report to the league commissioner shall occur.

Goalkeeper: Each team shall be allowed one goalkeeper on the ice at one time. The goalkeeper may be removed and another skater substituted. Such substitute shall be permitted the privileges of the goalkeeper. Each team shall have on its bench, or on a chair immediately beside the bench, a substitute goalkeeper who shall, at all times, be fully dressed and equipped ready to play. Except when both goalkeepers are incapacitated, no skater in the playing roster in that game shall be permitted to wear the equipment of the goalkeeper. In regular League and Playoff games, if both listed goalkeepers are incapacitated, that team shall be entitled to dress and play any available goalkeeper who is eligible. This goalkeeper is eligible to sit on the player’s bench, in uniform. In the event that the two regular goalkeepers are injured or incapacitated in quick succession, the third goalkeeper shall be dressed and on the bench when the second goalkeeper becomes incapacitated, the third goalkeeper shall enter the game immediately and no warm-up is permitted.​

Coaches and Team Personnel: No one but players in uniform, non-playing team personnel duly registered on the official BMHL website as the Manager, Coach(es), Trainer, Equipment Manager, etc. shall be permitted to occupy the benches so provided. Any coaches or team personnel that is officially registered as a legal player is allowed to play for his/her team at any time.
D.) Captain and Alternate Captains
- Teams can have a maximum of 4 captains (1 captain, 3 alternate captains)
-Teams can have a minimum of 1 captain
E.) Team Rosters

Team Rosters: All team rosters are official prior to the start of an official BMHL game on the official BMHL website. No change in the team rosters of either team, unless reviewed and approved by the Referee prior to the start of the game.

Violation: For an infraction of this rule, a bench minor penalty shall be imposed upon the offending team, provided such infraction is called to the attention of the Referee before the second face-off in the first period takes place. This is an appeal play and must be brought to the Referee’s attention prior to the second face-off in the game. There is no penalty to the requesting team if their appeal is unsustainable. The determining factor when considering whether or not a player or goalkeeper is listed in the starting line-up is that the player or goalkeeper’s name, and not necessarily the player or goalkeeper’s number, must be correctly listed by the Manager or Coach of that team. In the event a team scores on the first shift of the game, and it is brought to the attention of the Referee by the opposing team that the team that scored did not have the correct starting line-up on the ice, the goal shall be disallowed and a bench minor penalty assessed to the offending team for having an improper starting line-up. If the team that scores the goal on the first shift of the game challenges the roster of the opposing team and the opposing team did not have the correct starting line-up, the scoring of the goal would nullify the bench minor penalty and no further penalties would be assessed. 
Section 3 (Equipment, Officials, Linesmen, Stats keeper/score keeper/time keeper, and Goal Judges)
A.) Equipment

Team Uniform – All players of each team shall be dressed uniformly with approved design and color of their sweaters and pants. Any player or goalkeeper not complying with this rule shall not be permitted to participate in the game. Any concerns regarding a player’s uniform (including the goalkeeper) shall be reported by the Referee to the Commissioner of the BMHL

Numbers - Numbers are not mandatory in the BMHL, but may be used if chosen.

Helmets - Helmets are not mandatory, but may be used if chosen.

Hats/hair - Any hats or hair is allowed to be used at any time. Any type of large wings on the back can be brought to the attention of the referee.

Player’s Stick – Only the official "RH V4", "LH V4", or "Hockey Stick V5" are allowed to be used by the players.

Goalkeeper’s Stick - Only the official "RH V4", "LH V4", "Hockey Stick V5", "Blocking Butterfly", "Deep Butterfly Stick", "Goalie Stick Butterfly", or Russian Butterfly Stick" are allowed to be used by the goalies.

Goalkeeper's equipment - With the exception of skates, stick, and hair/hat the only other equipment worn by the goalie is the goalie pads, glove, and blocker found in the dressing rooms goalie gear giver. The goalie equipment givers are mandatory for all BMHL qualified arenas, and must not be edited at all for any unfair advantage. The League’s Hockey Operations Department is specifically authorized to make a check of each teams’ equipment (including goalkeepers’’ sticks) to ensure the compliance with the rule. It shall report its findings to the Commissioner for his disciplinary action.

Illegal Equipment - Any stick, equipment, or goalkeeper equipment not official by league standards is deemed illegal equipment. For violation of this rule, after warning by the Referee, a minor penalty shall be imposed. Players violating this rule shall not be permitted to participate in the game until such equipment has been corrected or remove. 

Fair Play - These equipment regulations are written in the spirit of “fair play.” If at any time the League feels that this spirit is being abused, the offending equipment will be deemed ineligible for play until a hearing has ruled on its eligibility. 

B.) Head Officials
Appointment of Officials by Commissioner - The Commissioner shall appoint the Referees, the Linesmen, Video Goal Judge and all Off-ice Officials for each game. The Commissioner shall forward to all Clubs a list of Referees, Linesmen, and Off-ice Officials, all of whom must be treated with proper respect at all times during the season by all players and officials of Clubs. 

Attire and Equipment - All Referees shall be dressed in official sweaters. They shall be equipped with the official BMHL referee tools:
a.) Whistle
B.) Clone Part
C.) Delete
D.) Grab

Disputes - The Referees shall have general supervision of the game and shall have full control of all game officials and players during the game, including stoppages; and in case of any dispute, their decision shall be final. As there is a human factor involved in blowing the whistle to stop play, the Referee may deem the play to be stopped slightly prior to the whistle actually being blown. The fact that the puck may come loose or cross the goal line prior to the sound of the whistle has no bearing if the Referee has ruled that the play had been stopped prior to this happening. In the event of any dispute regarding time or the expiration of penalties, the matter shall be referred to the Referee for adjustment and his decision shall be final. He may use the Video Goal Judge to assist in rendering the final decision. 

Face-offs: One of the Referees shall face-off the puck to start each period and following the scoring of a goal. Linesmen are responsible for all other face-offs. 

General Duties - It shall be the duty of the Referees to impose such penalties as are prescribed by the rules for infractions thereof and they shall give the final decision in matters of disputed goals. The Referees may consult with the Linesmen, Goal Judge or Video Goal Judge before making their decision. The Referees shall not halt the game for any infractions of the rules concerning Off-side, or Icing. Determining infractions of these rules is the duty of the Linesmen unless, by virtue of some accident, the Linesman is prevented from doing so in which case the duties of the Linesman shall be assumed by a Referee until play is stopped. 

Goals - Official Scorer, with the assistance of the Video Goal Judge, will confirm the goal scorer and any players deserving of an assist. The Referees shall report to the Official Scorer the name or number of the goal scorer but he shall not give any information or advice with respect to the awarding of assists. 

Off-ice Officials - The Referees shall, before starting the game, see that the appointed off-ice officials, including the Game Timekeeper and the Goal Judges are in their respective places and ensure that the timing and signaling equipment are in order. 

Penalties - The infraction of the rules for which each penalty has been imposed will be announced correctly, as reported by the Referee. 

Players’ Uniforms - It shall be the duty of the Referees to see to it that all players are properly dressed, and that the approved regulation equipment is in use at all times during the game. 

Reports - The Referee shall report to the Commissioner promptly and in detail the circumstances surrounding the following:
  1. The assessment of misconduct penalties for abuse of officials;
  2. The assessment of game misconduct penalties;
  3. The assessment of match penalties;
  4. The assessment of an instigator penalty;
  5. Any time a goalkeeper leaves his crease during an altercation;
  6. Any time a stick or other object is thrown outside the playing area;
  7. Any time a player, goalkeeper or non-playing Club personnel are involved in an altercation with a spectator;
  8. Any unusual occurrence that takes place on or off the ice, before, during or after the game.

Start and End of Game and Periods - The Referees shall order the teams on the ice at the appointed time for the beginning of a game and at the commencement of each period. If for any reason, there is more than a fifteen (15) minute delay in the commencement of the game or any undue delay in resuming play after the League approved intermission length between periods, the Referees shall state in their report to the Commissioner the cause of the delay and the Club or Clubs which were at fault. The Referees shall remain on the ice at the conclusion of each period until all players have proceeded to their dressing rooms. 
Unable to Continue - Should a Referee accidentally leave the ice or leave the game for an emergency which incapacitates him from discharging his duties while play is in progress, the game shall be automatically stopped. If the Referee is unable to continue, the game shall continue using the one Referee system. If, owing to illness or accident, one of the Referees is unable to continue to officiate, the remaining Referee shall perform the duties of the ill or injured Referee during the balance of the game. In the event that a member of the League’s Hockey Operations or Officiating departments is in attendance at a game where a spare official is present, he shall have the authority to substitute the injured Referee with the spare official. If, through misadventure or sickness, the Referees and Linesmen appointed are prevented from appearing, the League will make every attempt to find suitable replacement officials, otherwise, the Managers or Coaches of the two Clubs shall agree on Referee(s) and Linesman(men). If they are unable to agree, they shall appoint a player from each side who shall act as Referee and Linesman; the player of the home Club acting as Referee and the player of the visiting Club as Linesman. If the regularly appointed officials appear during the progress of the game, they shall at once replace the temporary officials. 
C.) Linesmen
Attire and Equipment - All Linesman shall be dressed in official sweaters. 
They shall be equipped with the official BMHL referee tools:
  • Whistle
  • Clone Part
  • Delete
  • Grab

Face-offs: The Linesman shall face-off the puck at all times.

General Duties – The Linesmen are generally responsible for calling violations of off-side and icing. They may stop play for a variety of other situations mentioned below...

Reporting to Referee - The Linesman shall give to the Referees his interpretation of any incident that may have taken place during the game.

The Linesman may stop play and report what he witnessed to the Referees when:
  • There are too many men on the ice; 
  • Articles are thrown on the ice from the players’ bench or penalty bench;
  • When team personnel interfere with a game official;
  • When a player who has lost or broken his stick receives one illegally;

The Linesman must report upon completion of play, any circumstances pertaining to:
  1. Major penalties
  2. Match penalties
  3. Misconduct penalties
  4. Game Misconduct penalties
  5. Abuse of Officials
  6. Physical Abuse of Officials
  7. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Should a Linesman witness a foul (above) committed by an attacking player (undetected by the Referees) prior to the attacking team scoring a goal, the Linesman shall report what he witnessed to the Referees, the goal shall be disallowed and the appropriate penalty assessed.

Stopping Play - The Linesman shall stop play:
  1. When premature substitution of the goalkeeper has occurred;
  2. When he deems that a player has sustained a serious injury and this has gone undetected by either of the Referees;
  3. For encroachment into the face-off area;
  4. When the puck has been directed with a hand to a teammate in any zone other than the defending zone and this has gone undetected by either of the Referees;
  5. When the puck has been batted with the hand by either center in an attempt to win the face-off in any zone;
  6. When the puck is struck by a stick above the normal height of the shoulders and this has gone undetected by either of the Referees;
  7. When either team ices the puck;
  8. When there has been interference by/with spectators;
  9. For any infraction of the rules concerning offside play at the blue line'
  10. When the puck is out of bounds or unplayable;
  11. When a goal has been scored that has not been observed by the Referees;
  12. When the puck is interfered with by an ineligible player/person;
  13. The calling of a penalty shot
Unable to Continue - Should a Linesman appointed be unable to act at the last minute or through sickness or accident be unable to finish the game, the Referees shall have the power to appoint another in his stead, if they deem it necessary, or if required to do so by the Manager or Coach of either of the competing teams. If no replacement Linesman is available, the one Referee will assist the remaining Linesman with his duties while still retaining their ability to assess penalties when deemed appropriate.
D.) Stats keeper/score keeper/time keeper
Please note* That one person can do all 3 of these jobs or it can be split by 2 or 3 people.

General Duties:
Before the start of the game, the score keeper shall check the official BMHL website to check the team rosters before the start of play. During the game they are in charge of keeping track of the stats. After the game they are in charge of either posting the stats on the official BMHL website or sending the stats to the Commissioner of the BMHL. 

The Game Timekeeper shall record the time of starting and finishing of each period in the game. During the game the Game Timekeeper will start the clock with the drop of the puck and stop the clock upon hearing the officials’ whistle or the scoring of a goal. 

The Penalty Timekeeper shall keep, on the Penalty Record form, a correct record of all penalties imposed by the Referees including the names of the players penalized, the penalties assessed, and the duration of each penalty. The Penalty Timekeeper shall inform penalized players and the Penalty Box Attendants as to the correct expiration time of all penalties. In the event of a dispute regarding the time a player is permitted to return to the ice, the game clock is the determining time clock. For example, a player is assessed a minor penalty at the 12:00 mark. A stoppage of play occurs at the 10:00 mark, however, the penalty time clock shows one second remaining in the penalty. Since the game clock is the determining time clock, the penalized player shall be permitted to return to the ice. When a player is assessed a misconduct in addition to other penalties, the misconduct shall only commence after all other penalties have been served (or washed out by the scoring of a goal). If a player leaves the penalty bench before the time has expired, the Penalty Timekeeper must note the time and notify the Referees at his first opportunity. It is the responsibility of the Penalty Timekeeper to ensure that penalized players return to the penalty box before the puck is dropped for the start of a new period. In the event that a penalized player is not in the penalty box, the Penalty Timekeeper should notify the Referees and prevent the game from resuming until the player is there.

 The duty of the Stat keepers is to electronically record all official statistics for the game played. This data shall be compiled and recorded in strict conformity with the instructions provided by the League. 

Score keeper's shall keep track of the following stats:
  • Goals (which player, and which period.)
  • Assists (which player, and which period.)
  • Penalties (which player, and amount of time the penalty is.)
  • The final score of the game.
  • The game rosters of both teams (who all played.)
  • All the goalies who played.
  • Goalie saves and on which goalie.
  • Goals against and which goalie it was against.
At the conclusion of the game the score keeper shall forward the stats to the League commissioner together with the Score Sheet and the Penalty Record forms. Under the Report of Match section, the Official Scorer must explain if the start of the game is delayed for any reason, any goalkeeper substitutions, time-outs, empty net goals, any delays in the playing of the game due to injury or television, etc.

Goals and Assists - The score keeper shall award the points for goals and assists and his decision shall be final. The score keeper shall use the Video Goal Judge system to verify the proper awarding of goals and assists. No requests for changes in any award of points shall be considered unless they are made at or before the conclusion of actual play in the game by the Team Captain, or immediately following the game by a Team representative. In the event that the Video Goal Judge reviews a play and a goal is awarded even though play went for any period of time, the score keeper awards the goal and any assists at the time the goal was scored. If he/she is unsure, he/she must check with the Video Goal Judge. A goal is awarded to the last player on the scoring team to touch the puck prior to the puck entering the net. (A puck entering the net is considered to be between the posts, from in front of, and below the crossbar, and entirely across the goal line.) An assist is awarded to the player or players (maximum two) who touches the puck prior to the goal scorer, provided no defender plays or possesses the puck in between. Assists can be given to deserving players on a goal that has been awarded by the Referee, if the score keeper deems that assists would have been given on the eventual goal anyway. 

Rosters - It is the policy of the BMHL that any changes to the official BMHL website rosters are done within five (5) minutes of the completion of the warm-up (twenty (20) minutes prior to face-off). This twenty (20) minutes gives the Official Scorer time to obtain the completed home team line-up, return it to the visiting Coach and provide a copy of both line-ups to the Referees. The Official Scorer should have an off-ice crew member assist him in order to save time and complete these duties. The Official Scorer must file a report to the Commissioner or his designate if either Coach fails to cooperate within these recommended guidelines. This report should be forwarded to the BMHL Commissioner.

Penalties - The Official Scorer must help the Penalty Timekeeper with the numbers of the players on the ice, in the event a goalkeeper is assessed a penalty or a player is ejected from a game. He must also keep an eye on the players' benches during an altercation and record the numbers of any players who leave their respective players’ or penalty benches and in the order that they so leave.

Intermissions - For the purpose of keeping the spectators informed as to the time remaining during intermissions, the Game Timekeeper will use the electronic clock to record the length of intermissions. The clock will start for the intermission immediately at the conclusion of the period. Intermissions are five minutes (5:00) in length, unless otherwise notified. If there are unusual delays for any reason, (e.g. altercation, building, ice, or ice resurfacing problems) it is important to use discretion in starting the clock. 

Overtime - In the event of overtime in the regular season, the Game Timekeeper shall record a one (1) minute rest period on the clock. This time shall commence immediately following the end of the period. The rest period will be followed with a five (5) minute, sudden victory overtime period. During overtime in the play-offs, each intermission will be completed in a normal manner.

Signal Devices - If the arena is not equipped with an automatic signaling device or, if such device fails to function, the Game Timekeeper shall signal the end of each period by blowing a whistle. 

Start of Periods - The Game Timekeeper shall signal the Referees and the competing teams for the start of the game and each succeeding period and the Referees shall start the play promptly in accordance with Game and Intermission Timing. 

Verification of Time - Any loss of time on the game or penalty clocks due to a false face-off must be replaced as appropriate. The Video Goal Judge may be consulted to ensure the time is accurately replaced. In the event of any dispute regarding time, the matter shall be referred to the Referees for adjudication and their decision shall be final. They may use the Video Goal Judge to assist in rendering their final decision. The Game Timekeeper shall assist to verify game time using an additional timing device (stopwatch). In the event that clock fails to operate when play resumes, the onice officials may elect to stop play provided there is no imminent scoring opportunity or wait until the next legitimate stoppage of play. In cooperation with the Game Timekeeper and the Video Goal Judge, the clock is to be re-set to the appropriate time. In the event that a video replay shows a goal was scored prior to the play being stopped, the Video Goal Judge will inform the Game Timekeeper and Score keeper of the time of goal and the amount of playing time left to be reset on the game clock. 

Goalkeeper’s Penalties - In the event that a goalkeeper is penalized, the penalty shall be served by another member of his team who was on the ice when the offense was committed. Communication with the Official Scorer and/or Real Time Scorers is important at this time as they can inform the Penalty Timekeeper who was actually on the ice to ensure only the proper players can serve the time. 

Penalty Time Clock - He/she shall be responsible for the correct posting of penalties on the scoreboard at all times and shall promptly call to the attention of the Referees any discrepancy between the time recorded on the clock and the official correct time and he shall be responsible for making any adjustments ordered by the Referees. In the event that two players from one team and one player from the opposing team are penalized at the same time, the Penalty Timekeeper shall request through the Referee or the offending team's Captain, which penalty they prefer to have on the timing device.

Reports – Prior to each game, the Penalty Timekeeper shall have a stat sheet ready. Should a player be assessed a penalty that would result in an automatic suspension, this must be conveyed to the Referee at the time the penalty is assessed to ensure a Game Misconduct penalty is applied. Upon the completion of each game, the Penalty Timekeeper shall forward same to the League commissioner. The Officiating Department shall be entitled to inspect, collect and forward to the League commissioner the actual worksheets used by the Penalty Timekeeper in any game. When a player is ejected from a game, the Penalty Timekeeper must complete a report of the incident (Off-Ice Officials Report of Game Misconduct/Match Penalties). When there are more than one of these incidents, it is imperative to provide the Referee with accurate information for each incident so that his report(s) to the League commissioner is correct.

Verification of Time - In the event that a goal is awarded by video review even though play continued, the Penalty Timekeeper must adjust any existing penalties, according to the situation. The clock must revert back to the original time the goal was scored. If a penalty was in the process of being called, it will revert back to that time also. 
E.) Video Goal Judges
General Duties – The following are the general duties of the Video Goal Judge:
  • He/she will review replays of disputed goals when requested to do so by the Referees.
  • He/she will review replays of disputed goals when he observes an incident that was undetected by on-ice officials.
  • After viewing the incident he/she will promptly convey his decision directly to the Referee at the penalty bench. When a play has been referred to the Video Goal Judge, his/her decision shall be final.
  • During the review he may consult with a member of the League’s Hockey Operations or Officiating department staff if latter is in attendance at the game (or via telephone).
  • Any potential goal requiring video review must be reviewed prior to or during the next stoppage of play. No goal may be awarded (or disallowed) as a result of video review once the puck has been dropped and play has resumed.

Goals – Every goal is to be reviewed by the Video Goal Judge. Upon making contact with the off-ice official at ice level, the Video Goal Judge should say initially that he is “looking at the play”. If there is a need to delay the resumption of the play, the off-ice official at ice level should signal one of the Referees to delay the center ice face-off for a moment. Once the Video Goal Judge has reviewed the video and confirmed that the goal is valid, he should say that “it is a good goal”. The off-ice official will then signal to the Referee to resume play. If there is a need to expand the review, the Video Goal Judge will advise the off-ice official at ice level and the Public Address Announcer that the “play is under review”. Once the play has been reviewed and deemed a goal, the goal will be announced in the normal manner. If the review reveals that the goal must be disallowed, the Public Address Announcer shall announce the reason for the disallowed goal as reported by the Referee. When the Video Goal Judge observes an incident involving a potential goal that was undetected by the on-ice officials he will contact the Referee at the first stoppage of play and inform him that a review of the play is in progress. When a review is requested by either the Referee or Video Goal Judge, the Public Address Announcer shall make the following announcement: "The play is under review". The Video Goal Judge will use all the facilities at his disposal to review the incident and reach a conclusion as to the accurate time of the goal. It is the responsibility of the Video Goal Judge to record the time of the disputed goal and the clock is to be reset accordingly. He will report his findings to the Referee as quickly as possible ensuring all available video feeds and angles have been reviewed. When the Referee indicates there is to be a video review, all players (with the exception of the goalkeepers) will go to their respective players' bench immediately and failure to do so would result in a game misconduct penalty with a fine to the Coach. 

Situations Subject to Video Review - The following situations are subject to review by the Video Goal Judge:
  • Puck crossing the goal line.
  • Puck in the net prior to, or after expiration of time at the end of the period.
  • Puck deflected directly into the net off an Official.
  • To establish the correct time on the official game clock, provided the game time is visible on the Video Goal Judge’s monitors.
  • The video review process shall be permitted to assist the Referees in determining the legitimacy of all potential goals (e.g. to ensure they are “good hockey goals”). For example (but not limited to), pucks that enter the net by going through the net meshing, pucks that enter the net from underneath the net frame, pucks that hit the spectator netting prior to being directed into the goal, pucks that enter the net undetected by the Referee, etc. This would also include situations whereby the Referee stops play or is in the process of stopping the play because he has lost sight of the puck and it is subsequently determined by video review that the puck crosses (or has crossed) the goal line and enters the net as the culmination of a continuous play where the result was unaffected by the whistle (i.e., the timing of the whistle was irrelevant to the puck entering the net at the end of a continuous play). 
  • Goalie interference.

Logistics and Equipment - The Video Goal Judge shall have access to all replays that may be available by reason of any telecasts of the game and if there is no scheduled telecast the Club’s internal telecast of the game will be used. He/she may also use their own recording program to review the goal. The Video Goal Judge must be supplied with a communication system with direct contact to the penalty bench.The “burn in” of the game clock is mandatory, and should be available on all feeds if such can be provided by the host broadcaster.

Verification of Time - Any loss of time on the game or penalty clocks due to a false face-off must be replaced. The Video Goal Judge may be consulted to ensure the time is accurately replaced. In the event of any dispute regarding time, the matter shall be referred to the Referee for adjustment and his decision shall be final. The Game Timekeeper shall assist to verify game time via an additional timing device. The Officials may use the Video Goal Judge system to establish the correct time on the official game clock, provided the game time is visible on the Video Goal Judge's monitors. In the event that a video replay shows a goal was scored prior to the play being stopped, the Video Goal Judge will inform the Game Timekeeper and Official Scorer of the time of goal and the amount of playing time left to be reset on the game clock and penalty time clocks (if applicable). Should the first stoppage of play following an apparent goal coincide with the end of a period, the on-ice officials must instruct both teams to remain at their respective players’ benches until the video review has been completed. 

Section 4 (Forfeits, Face-offs, Game and Intermission Timing)
A.) Forfeits
Forfeit of game - In the event of failure by a Club to comply with a provision of the League constitution, by-laws, resolutions, rules or regulations affecting the playing of a game, the Referee shall, if so directed by the Commissioner or his designee, refuse to permit the game to proceed until the offending Club comes into compliance with such provision. Should the offending club persist in its refusal to come into compliance, the Referee shall, with the prior approval of the Commissioner or his designee, declare the game forfeited and the non-offending Club the winner. Should the Referee declare the game forfeited because both Clubs have refused to comply with such a provision, the game will be rescheduled to a further date. If the game is declared forfeited prior to its having commenced, the score shall be recorded as 1-0 and no player shall be credited with any personal statistics. If the game was in progress at the time it is declared forfeited, the score shall be recorded as zero for the loser and 1, or such greater number of goals that had been scored by it, for the winner; however, the players on both Clubs shall be credited with all personal statistics earned up to the time the forfeit was declared. If a team cannot reach the minimum amount of players allowed during a game then they will automatically forfeit the game. ​
B.) Face-offs
Face-off: The action of the Referee or Linesman in dropping the puck between the sticks of two opposing players to start or resume play. A face-off begins when the official indicates the location of the face-off and the officials and players take their appropriate positions. The face-off ends when the puck has been legally dropped. A goalkeeper may not participate in a face-off.
Face-off Locations - All face-offs must be conducted on one of the nine (9) face-off spots located on the rink. When a stoppage of play has been caused by any player of the attacking side in the attacking zone, the ensuing face-off shall be made in the neutral zone on the nearest face-off spot. If two rule violations are the reason for the stoppage of play (ie. high-sticking the puck and intentional off-side), the ensuing face-off location shall be determined as the spot that provides the least amount of territorial advantage to the offending team. When the play is stopped for any reason not specifically attributable to either team while the puck is in the neutral zone, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted at the nearest face-off spot outside the blue line whenever possible. When it is unclear as to which of the four face-off spots is the nearest, the spot that gives the home team the greatest territorial advantage in the neutral zone will be selected for the ensuing face-off. When players are penalized at a stoppage of play so as to result in penalties being placed on the penalty time clock to one team, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted at one of the two face-off spots in the offending team’s end zone.

There are only four exceptions to this application:
  • when a penalty is assessed after the scoring of a goal - face-off at center ice;
  • when a penalty is assessed at the end (or start) of a period - face-off at center ice;
  • when the defending team is penalized and the attacking players enter the attacking zone beyond the outer edge of the end zone face-off circle - face-off in the neutral zone;
  • when the team not being penalized ices the puck - face-off in the neutral zone outside the blue line of the team icing the puck.
 When an infringement of a rule has been committed by players of both sides in the play resulting in the stoppage, the ensuing face-off will be made at the nearest face-off spot in that zone. When stoppage occurs between the end face-off spots and near end of the rink, the puck shall be faced-off at the end face-off spot on the side where the stoppage occurs unless otherwise expressly provided by these rules. When a goal is illegally scored as a result of a puck being deflected directly off an official, the resulting face-off shall be made at the nearest face-off spot in the zone where the puck deflected off of the official. 

   Following a stoppage of play, should one or both defense-men who are the point players or any player coming from the bench of the attacking team, enter into the attacking zone beyond the outer edge of the end zone face-off circle during an altercation, gathering or “scrum,” the ensuing face-off shall take place in the neutral zone near the blue line of the defending team. This rule also applies when an icing, an intentional off-side, or a high-sticking the puck violation (by the team of greater numerical strength of its opponent) has occurred, and the ensuing face-off is to be in the offending team’s defending zone. Should any of the non-offending players enter into the attacking zone beyond the outer edge of the end zone face-off circle during an altercation, gathering or “scrum,” the ensuing face-off shall take place in the neutral zone near the blue line of the defending team.

  For a violation of Premature Substitution, the resulting face-off will take place at the center ice face-off spot when play is stopped beyond the center red line. When play is stopped prior to the center red line, the resulting face-off shall be conducted at the nearest face-off spot in the zone where the play was stopped. When play is stopped for an injured player, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted at the face-off spot in the zone nearest the location of the puck when the play was stopped. When the injured player’s team has control of the puck in the attacking zone, the face-off shall be conducted at one of the face-off spots outside the blue line in the neutral zone. When the injured player is in his defending zone and the attacking team is in control of the puck in the attacking zone, the face-off shall be conducted at one of the defending team’s end-zone face-off spots.

Procedure – As soon as the line change procedure has been completed by the Referee, the Linesman conducting the face-off shall blow his whistle. This will signal to both teams that they have no more than five (5) seconds to line up for the ensuing face-off. At the end of the five (5) seconds (or sooner if both centers are ready), the Linesman will conduct a proper face-off. If, however:
One or both centers are not positioned for the face-off,
One or both centers refrain from placing their stick on the ice,
Any player has encroached into the face-off circle,
Any player makes physical contact with an opponent,
Any player who lines up for the face-off in an off-side position, 

The Linesman shall have the offending center(s) replaced immediately prior to dropping the puck. In the last two (2) minutes of regulation time or any time in overtime, the Linesman will still blow his whistle to initiate the face-off, but the five (5) second time limit will not be enforced. However, players must abide by the verbal directions given by the Linesman in his attempt to conduct a fast and fair face-off.

Procedure – Centers: The puck shall be faced-off by the Referee or the Linesman dropping the puck on the ice between the sticks of the players facing-off. Players facing-off will stand squarely facing their opponent’s end of the rink approximately one stick length apart with the blade of their sticks on the ice. When the face-off takes place in any of the end face-off circles, the players taking part shall take their position so that they will stand squarely facing their opponent’s end of the rink, and clear of the ice markings. The sticks of both players facing-off shall have the blade on the ice, within the designated white area. The visiting player shall place his stick within the designated white area first followed immediately by the home player.If a player facing-off fails to take his proper position immediately when directed by the official, the official may order him replaced for that face-off by any teammate then on the ice. 

If a center is not at the designated face-off area once the five (5) second time limit has elapsed, the Linesman will drop the puck immediately. If the center is back from the face-off spot, is “quarterbacking” or refuses to come into the face-off area when instructed to do so by the Linesman, or the center is simply slow getting to the face-off spot when the five (5) seconds has elapsed, the puck shall be dropped. If the center attempts to arrive at the face-off spot just as the five seconds elapses in an attempt to gain an advantage to win the face-off, he is to be removed from the face-off and replaced, resulting in a face-off violation. If the face-off is a result of an icing infraction and the center attempts to arrive at the face-off spot just as the five seconds elapse to gain an advantage to win the face-off, he shall not be removed from the face-off. The center will be warned by the Linesman that he has committed a face-off violation. In the event the center then commits a second face-off violation or the action actually is the second face-off violation, a bench minor penalty shall be assessed.

If a player is ejected from the face-off, his replacement must come into position quickly or risk having the puck dropped by the Linesman without the player being set, or ejected from the face-off by the Linesman resulting in a bench minor penalty for delay of game for a second face-off violation during the same face-off. When a team commits an icing infraction, any face-off violation will not result in the center being removed. The center will be warned by the Linesman that the team has committed their first face-off violation and any subsequent violation will result in a bench minor penalty for delay of game - face-off violation being assessed. 

Procedure – Other Players: No other player shall be allowed to enter the face-off circle or come within fifteen feet (15') of the players facing-off. All players must stand on-side on all face-offs. During end-zone face-offs, all other players on the ice must position their bodies on their own side of the restraining lines marked on the outer edge of the face-off circles. If a player other than the player taking the face-off moves into the face-off circle prior to the dropping of the puck, then the offending team’s player taking the face-off shall be ejected from the face-off circle. This shall be considered a face-off violation. Players on the attacking team (exclusive of the center) must establish their position first and then the defending team may counter and hold its position until the puck is dropped. A violation of this procedure shall be treated as face-off encroachment and the Linesman shall order the center of the offending team replaced. Should an attacking player attempt to establish a new position prior to the face-off, and the defending center steps back from the face-off spot in order to reposition his teammates, the face-off violation shall be charged to the attacking team as they must establish their position first. 

Violations – If a center should move prematurely prior to the face-off, or if the Referee or Linesman shall have dropped the puck unfairly, the face-off shall be considered a face-off violation and it must be conducted again. When a least two face-off violations have been committed by the same team during the same face-off, this team shall be penalized with a bench minor penalty to the offending team. This penalty shall be announced as a “Bench Minor Penalty.” 
Face-off violations shall be summarized as follows (any of the four on-ice officials may identify a face-off violation):
Encroachment by any player other than the center into the face-off area prior to the puck being dropped. Players on the perimeter of the face-off circle must keep both skates outside the face-off circle (skate contact with the line is permitted). If a player's skate crosses the line into the face-off circle prior to the drop of the puck, this shall be deemed as a face-off violation. A player's stick may be inside the face-off circle provided there is no physical contact with his opponent or his opponent's stick.
Encroachment by any player into the area between the hash marks on the outer edges of the face-off circle prior to the puck being dropped. Players must also ensure that both of their skates do not cross their respective hash marks. Contact with the line with their skate is permitted. If a player's skate crosses the line into the area between the hash marks prior to the drop of the puck, this shall be deemed as a face-off violation. A player's stick may be inside the area between the hash marks provided there is no physical contact with his opponent or his opponent's stick.
Any physical contact with an opponent prior to the puck being dropped.
Failure by either center taking the face-off to properly position himself behind the restraining lines or place his stick on the ice. "Properly position himself behind the restraining lines" shall mean that the center must place his feet on either side of the restraining lines that are parallel to the side boards (contact with the lines is permissible), and the toe of the blade of his skates must not cross over the restraining lines that are perpendicular to the side boards as he approaches the face-off spot. The blade of the stick must then be placed on the ice (at least the toe of the blade of the stick) in the designated white area of the faceoff spot and must remain there until the puck is dropped.
Failure to comply with this positioning and face-off procedure will result in a face-off violation.  

Whenever a team has committed two face-off violations during the same face-off, the Referee shall immediately assess the offending team a bench minor penalty for delay of game. This penalty shall be announced as a “Bench Minor Penalty for Delay of Game”

Players who are late to the face-off location and therefore in an offside position for the ensuing face-off will be warned once in the game by the Referee. This warning will also be given to the offending team’s Coach. In this situation, the offending team’s center is not ejected from the face-off. Any subsequent violation shall result in a bench minor penalty for delay of game being assessed to the offending team. This penalty shall be announced as a “Bench Minor Penalty for Delay of Game – Slow Proceeding to Face-off Location.” 

In the conduct of any face-off at any of the nine (9) face-off spots on the playing surface, no player facing-off shall make any physical contact with his opponent’s body by means of his own body or by his stick except in the course of playing the puck after the face-off has been completed.

For violation of this rule, the Referee may, at his discretion impose a minor penalty or penalties on the player(s) whose action(s) caused the physical contact. Nonetheless, this physical contact prior to the dropping of the puck shall be deemed as a face-off violation and the Linesman shall order the center of the offending team replaced.

Face-off encroachment may be applied during face-offs at any of the nine (9) face-off spots on the playing surface. However, since no such lines are painted on the ice at the four (4) face-off spots adjacent to the blue lines, Linesmen shall use their judgment as to whether or not a violation has occurred. All players, other than the centers, shall be uniformly back from the face-off location similar to being outside the face-off circle for face-offs in the end zones.

Line Changes – No substitution of players shall be permitted until the face-off has been completed and play has resumed except when a penalty is imposed which affects the on-ice strength of either team.  

Should an on-ice official notice that the defending team has not placed enough players on the ice for the ensuing face-off, the Referee in the neutral zone shall be notified and he will instruct the offending team to place another player(s) on the ice. If, in the opinion of the Referee that this is being done as a stalling tactic, he will issue a warning to the offending team’s Coach and any subsequent violations shall result in the assessment of a bench minor penalty for delay of game.

Should an on-ice official notice that the attacking team has not placed enough players on the ice for the ensuing face-off, the Linesman will proceed with conducting the face-off in the normal manner. The attacking team must ensure they put the appropriate number of players on the ice at all times.

Verification of Time - Any loss of time on the game or penalty clocks due to a false face-off or face-off violation must be replaced. The Video Goal Judge may be consulted to ensure the time is accurately replaced.  

The whistle will not be blown by the official to start play. Playing time will commence from the instant the puck is faced-off and will stop when the whistle is blown or a goal is scored.
C.) Game and Intermission Timing 
Game Timing – The time allowed for a game shall be three (3) ten-minute periods of actual play with a rest intermission between periods of 2 minutes.

Intermission Timing – Play shall be resumed promptly following each intermission upon the expiration of two (2) minutes or a length of time designated by the League from the completion of play in the preceding period. Timing of the intermission commences immediately upon the conclusion of the period. 
For the purpose of keeping the spectators informed as to the time remaining during intermissions, the Game Timekeeper will use the electronic clock to record length of intermissions.

Delays - If any unusual delay occurs within five (5) minutes of the end of the first or second periods, the Referee may order the next regular intermission to be taken immediately. The balance of the period will be completed on the resumption of play with the teams defending the same goals after which the teams will change ends and resume play of the ensuing period without delay.  

If a delay takes place with more than five (5) minutes remaining in the first or second period, the Referee will order the next regular intermission to be taken immediately only when requested to do so by the home Club. 

Section 5 (Goals, Icing, Line changes, Off-Side)
A.) Goals
Goals and Assists - It is the responsibility of the Official Scorer to award goals and assists, and his decision in this respect is final, notwithstanding the report of the Referee or any other game official. The use of video replay to verify the proper awarding of a goal or an assist is essential. Such awards shall be made or withheld strictly in accordance with the provisions of this rule. Therefore, it is essential that the score keeper be thoroughly familiar with every aspect of this rule; be alert to observe all actions which could affect the awarding of a goal or assist; and, above all, give or withhold awards with absolute impartiality.

In case of an obvious error in awarding a goal or an assist that has been announced, it should be corrected promptly, but changes should not be made in the official scoring summary (unless noted by Chief statistician.)
The team scoring the greatest number of goals during the three (3) ten-minute periods shall be the winner and shall be credited with two points in the League standings. In the event a winner during the regular season is determined in the overtime period or the shootout, the winning team shall be credited with two points in the League standings and the losing team will be credited with one point in the League standings.

Crediting Goals - A “goal” shall be credited in the scoring records to a player who shall have propelled the puck into the opponent’s goal. Each “goal” shall count one point in the player’s record. Only one point can be credited to any one player on a goal.  

Crediting Assists - When a player scores a goal, an “assist” shall be credited to the player or players (maximum two) who touch the puck prior to the goal scorer provided no defender plays or has control of the puck subsequently. Each “assist” shall count one point in the player’s record. Only one point can be credited to any one player on a goal. 

Scoring a Goal - A goal shall be scored when the puck shall have been put between the goal posts by the stick of a player of the attacking side, from in front and below the crossbar, and entirely across a red line the width of the diameter of the goal posts drawn on the ice from one goal post to the other with the goal frame in its proper position. 

A goal shall be scored if the puck is put into the goal in any way by a player of the defending side. The player of the attacking side who last touched the puck shall be credited with the goal but no assist shall be awarded. If an attacking player has the puck deflect into the net, off his skate or body, in any manner, the goal shall be allowed. The player who deflected the puck shall be credited with the goal.

Should a player legally propel a puck into the goal crease of the opponent Club and the puck should become loose and available to another player of the attacking side, a goal scored on the play shall be legal.
Disallowed Goals – Apparent goals shall be disallowed by the Referee and the appropriate announcement made by the Public Address Announcer for the following reasons:  
  • When the puck has been directed, batted or thrown into the net by an attacking player other than with a stick.
  • When the puck has deflected directly into the net off an official.
  • When a goal has been scored and an ineligible player is on the ice.
  • When an attacking player has interfered with a goalkeeper in his goal crease.
  • When video review confirms the scoring of a goal at one end of the ice, any goal scored at the other end on the same play must be disallowed. Any goal scored by the team that scored prior to the goal reviewed that was overturned shall be disallowed and the goal that was overturned earlier shall count.
  • When a Linesman reports a major penalty or a match penalty to the Referee following the scoring of a goal by the offending team, the goal must be disallowed and the appropriate penalty assessed.
  • When a goalkeeper has been pushed into the net together with the puck after making a save.
  • During the delayed calling of a penalty, the offending team cannot score unless the non-offending team shoots the puck into their own net. This shall mean that a deflection off an offending player or any physical action by an offending player that may cause the puck to enter the non-offending team’s goal, shall not be considered a legal goal. Play shall be stopped before the puck enters the net (whenever possible) and the signaled penalty assessed to the offending team.
  • When the Referee deems the play has been stopped, even if he had not physically had the opportunity to stop play by blowing his whistle.
  • Any goal scored, other than as covered by the official rules, shall not be allowed. 

Video Review – Any potential goal requiring video review must be reviewed prior to or during the next stoppage of play. No goal may be awarded (or disallowed) as a result of video review once the puck has been dropped and play has resumed. 

When a team scores an apparent goal that is not seen by the on-ice officials and play continues, the play shall be reviewed by the Video Goal Judge at the next stoppage of play. If the goal is confirmed by video review, the clock (including penalty time clocks, if applicable) is re-set to the time the goal was scored. If the goal is not confirmed by video review, no adjustment is required to the clock time.

Only one goal can be awarded at any stoppage of play. If the apparent goal was scored by Team A, and is subsequently confirmed as a goal by the Video Goal Judge, any goal scored by Team B during the period of time between the apparent goal By Team A and the stoppage of play (Team B’s goal), the Team B goal would not be awarded. However, if the apparent goal by Team A is deemed to have entered the goal, albeit illegally, the goal shall be disallowed by the Video Goal Judge and since the play should have stopped for this disallowed goal, no goal can be awarded to Team B on the same play. The clock (including penalty time clocks, if applicable) must be re-set to the time of the disallowed Team A goal and play resumed. 
Any penalties signaled during the period of time between the apparent goal and the next stoppage of play shall be assessed in the normal manner, except when a minor penalty is to be assessed to the team scored upon, and is therefore nullified by the scoring of the goal. If an infraction happens after the first stoppage of play following an apparent goal (infraction after the whistle) by either team, it is assessed and served in the normal manner regardless as to the decision rendered by the Video Goal Judge. 
B.) Icing

Icing – For the purpose of this rule, the center red line will divide the ice into halves. Should any player of a team, equal or superior in numerical strength (power-play) to the opposing team, shoot, bat or deflect the puck from his own half of the ice beyond the goal line of the opposing team, play shall be stopped. For the purpose of deflected pucks, this only applies when the puck was originally propelled down the ice by the offending team.

For the purpose of this rule, the point of last contact with the puck by the team in possession shall be used to determine whether icing has occurred or not. As such, the team in possession must “gain the line” in order for the icing to be nullified. “Gaining the line” shall mean that the puck, while on the player’s stick (not the player’s skate) must make contact with the center red line in order to nullify a potential icing.

For the purpose of interpretation of the rule, there are two judgments required for "icing the puck". The Linesman must first determine that the puck will cross the goal line. Once the Linesman determines that the puck will cross the goal line, icing is completed upon the determination as to which player (attacking or defending) touches the puck first. This decision by the Linesman after the first player touches the puck. Should the puck be shot down the ice in such a manner that it travels around the boards and/or back towards the end zone face-off dots, the same procedure shall be in effect in that the Linesman shall determine within a similar distance as to who will have touched the puck first. For clarification, the determining factor is which player would first touch the puck. The puck striking or deflecting off an official does not automatically nullify a potential icing. 

Face-Off Location – The resulting face-off following an icing call shall be at the end face-off spot of the offending team, unless on the play, the puck shall have entered the net of the opposing team, in which case the goal shall be allowed.

If during the period of a delayed whistle due to a foul by a player of the side not in possession, the side in possession “ices” the puck, then the face-off following the stoppage of play shall take place in the neutral zone near the defending blue line of the team icing the puck.

If, in the opinion of the Referee, the defending side intentionally abstains from playing the puck promptly when they are in a position to do so, he shall stop the play and order the resulting face-off on the adjacent corner face-off spot nearest the goal of the team at fault.

If the Linesman shall have erred in calling an “icing the puck” infraction (regardless of whether either team is short-handed), the puck shall be faced-off on the center ice face-off spot.

Goalkeeper - If, in the opinion of the Linesman, the goalkeeper feigns playing the puck, attempts to play the puck, or skates in the direction of the puck on an icing at any time, the potential icing shall not be called and play shall continue.

If, however, a goalkeeper is legitimately out of the crease in an attempt to go to the players’ bench to be substituted for an extra attacker and in no way makes an attempt to play the puck, the icing should not be nullified under this section.

If the goalkeeper is out of his crease prior to the shot being taken, and simply retreats to his crease making no attempt to play the puck or feign playing the puck, the potential icing shall remain in effect.

No Icing – When the puck is shot and rebounds from the body or stick of an opponent in his own half of the ice so as to cross the goal line of the player shooting, it shall not be considered “icing.” 

When a puck is shot by a team from their own half of the ice and is deflected several times before crossing the center red line, icing shall be nullified if at least one of these deflections was off an opposing player.

If a player of the side shooting the puck down the ice who is onside and eligible to play the puck does so before it is touched by an opposing player, the play shall continue and it shall not be considered a violation of this rule. If the puck shall go beyond the goal line in the opposite half of the ice directly from either of the players while facing-off, it shall not be considered a violation of this rule.

If, in the opinion of the Linesman, any player (other than the goalkeeper) of the opposing team is able to play the puck before it passes his goal line, but has not done so, play shall continue and the icing violation shall not be called. This includes the situation whereby the opposing team, while in the process of making player substitutions during the play, are able to play the puck, but choose not to do so to avoid being called for too many men on the ice. Icing should not be called.

If the puck touches any part of a player of the opposing side, including his skates or his stick, or if it touches any part of the opposing team’s goalkeeper, including his skates or his stick, at any time before or after crossing the goal line, it shall not be considered icing. 

Numerical Strength – If the puck was so shot by a player of a side below the numerical strength of the opposing team, play shall continue and the icing violation shall not be called.  

​When a team is “short-handed” as the result of a penalty and the penalty is about to expire, the decision as to whether there has been an “icing” shall be determined at the instant the penalty expires. Should the puck be released from the stick of the player shooting the puck down the ice prior to the penalty expiring, the icing infraction shall not apply. The action of the penalized player remaining in the penalty box will not alter the ruling.
C.) Line Changes
Line Change - If there is any undue delay by either team in changing players, the Referee shall order the offending team or teams to take their positions immediately and not permit any further player changes. When a substitution has been made under the above rule, no additional substitution may be made until play commences.   

Once the line change procedure has been completed, no additional player substitutions shall be permitted until the face-off has been completed legally and play has resumed, except when a penalty or penalties are imposed that affect the on-ice strength of either or both teams. This may include penalties imposed following the completion of the line change and prior to the face-off, or due to a penalty assessed for a face-off violation. 

Goalkeepers’ substitution during a game will be conducted within the same time frame as a regular line change. No extra time will be allotted to the goalkeeper coming off the bench.

Procedure -
Following a stoppage of play, the Referee will enforce the following line change procedure once he has determined that this procedure may begin:
  • The Referee shall give both teams up to fifteen (15) seconds to make its line change. 
  • Any attempt by the either team to make a change after the Referee’s disapproval, attempt to place too many men on the ice for the subsequent line change, or attempt to make additional personnel changes, shall not be permitted and the Referee will send the players who have attempted to change back to their players’ bench. The Referee will then issue a warning to the offending team (through the Coach) indicating that any subsequent violations during the rest of the game (including overtime), shall result in a bench minor penalty for delaying the game. This penalty shall be announced as a “Bench Minor Penalty.”
  • The Linesman conducting the face-off will blow his whistle to indicate that all players must be in position and on-side for the face-off within five (5) seconds. The face-off will then be conducted in accordance with all the proper Face-off rules. 
  • Players who are slow (after the five-second warning whistle given by the Linesman) getting to the face-off location or who are in an off-side position for the ensuing face-off will be warned once in the game by the Referee. This warning will also be given to the offending team’s Coach. In this situation, the offending team’s center is not ejected from the face-off. Any subsequent violation shall result in a bench minor penalty for delay of game being assessed to the offending team.
  • In the last two (2) minutes of regulation time and any time in the overtime period(s), points (vi) and (vii) above are not applicable. The Linesman shall give the teams a reasonable amount of time to set up for the ensuing face-off after points (1) through (4) above have been enforced.

Bench Minor Penalty - Any attempt by the teams to make a change after the Referee’s disapproval shall result in the assessment of a bench minor penalty for delay of game. Players must proceed directly to the location of the face-off to participate in the ensuing face-off. Any attempts to delay the game by stalling or otherwise unnecessary actions by either team shall result in the assessment of a bench minor penalty for delaying the game. This penalty shall be announced as a “Bench Minor Penalty for Delay of Game.” During the play, if a player wishes to retire from the ice and be replaced by a substitute, he must do so at the players’ bench and not through any other exit leading from the rink. This is not a legal player change and therefore when a violation occurs, a bench minor penalty shall be imposed. ​
D.) Off-side
Off-side - Players of the attacking team must not precede the puck into the attacking zone. The position of the player’s skates and not that of his stick shall be the determining factor in all instances in deciding an off-side. A player is off-side when both skates are completely over the leading edge of the blue line involved in the play.

A player is on-side when either of his skates are in contact with, or on his own side of the line, at the instant the puck completely crosses the leading edge of the blue line regardless of the position of his stick. However, a player actually controlling the puck who shall cross the line ahead of the puck shall not be considered “off-side,” provided he had possession and control of the puck prior to his skates crossing the blue line.

It should be noted that while the position of the player’s skates is what determines whether a player is “off-side,” nevertheless the question of an “off-side” never arises until the puck has completely crossed the leading edge of the blue line at which time the decision is to be made.
If a player legally carries or passes the puck back into his own defending zone while a player of the opposing team is in such defending zone, the off-side shall be ignored and play permitted to continue.

Deflections / Rebounds – When a defending player propels the puck out of his defending zone and the puck clearly rebounds off a defending player in the neutral zone back into the defending zone, all attacking players are eligible to play the puck. However, any action by an attacking player that causes a deflection/rebound off a defending player in the neutral zone back into the defending zone (i.e. stick check, physical contact), a delayed off-side shall be signaled by the Linesman. A puck that deflects back into the defending zone off an official who is in the neutral zone will be off-side (or delayed off-side, as appropriate).
Delayed Off-side – A situation where an attacking player (or players) has preceded the puck across the attacking blue line, but the defending team is in a position to bring the puck back out of its defending zone without any delay or contact with an attacking player, or, the attacking players are in the process of clearing the attacking zone. 
If an off-side call is delayed, the Linesman shall drop his arm to nullify the off-side violation and allow play to continue if:
All players of the offending team clear the zone at the same instant (skate contact with the blue line) permitting the attacking players to re-enter the attacking zone.
The defending team passes or carries the puck into the neutral zone.
 If, during the course of the delayed off-side, any member of the attacking team touches the puck, attempts to gain possession of a loose puck, forces the defending puck carrier further back into his own zone, or who is about to make physical contact with the defending puck carrier, the Linesman shall stop play for the off-side violation. 
If, during a delayed off-side, an attacking player in the attacking zone elects to proceed to his players’ bench (which extends into the attacking zone) to be replaced by a teammate, he shall be considered to have cleared the zone provided he is completely off the ice and his replacement comes onto the ice in the neutral zone. If his replacement comes onto the ice in the attacking zone, if the delayed off-side is still in effect, he too must clear the attacking zone. If the remaining attacking players have cleared the attacking zone and the Linesman has lowered his arm for the delayed off-side, he shall be considered on-side.
​Disallowed Goal – If the puck is shot into the attacking zone creating a delayed off-side, the play shall be allowed to continue under the normal clearing-the-zone rules. Should the puck, as a result of this shot, enter the defending team’s goal, either directly or off the goalkeeper, a player, the boards, the glass, a piece of equipment or an official on the ice, the goal shall be disallowed as the original shot was off-side. The fact that the attacking team may have cleared the zone prior to the puck entering the goal has no bearing on this ruling. The face-off will be conducted at the face-off spot in the zone closest to the point of origin of the shot that gives the offending team the least amount of territorial advantage.

The only way an attacking team can score a goal on a delayed offside situation is if the defending team shoots or puts the puck into their own net without action or contact by the offending team. Other than in situations involving a delayed off-side and the puck entering the goal, no goal can be disallowed after the fact for an offside violation, except for the human factor involved in blowing the whistle. 
Face-Off Location -
For violation of this rule, the play is stopped and the puck shall be faced-off in the neutral zone at the face-off spot nearest the attacking zone of the offending team when the violation occurs as a result of the attacking team carrying the puck over the attacking blue line, or from the face-off spot in the zone closest to the point of origin of the shot or pass (even if deflected off an attacking or defending player or an official). 

For every delayed off-side situation, including an intentional offside, the Linesman will raise his non-whistle arm. He will allow play to continue and, if a stoppage of play occurs, there will be three possible face-off locations:
If carried over the blue line – face-off outside the blue line.
If shot into the zone (or errant pass) – nearest face-off spot in the zone from which the pass or shot originated that gives the offending team the least amount of territorial advantage (even if deflected off an attacking or defending player or an official).
If the defending player is pressured or about to be checked by an attacking player – nearest face-off spot in the zone from which the pass or shot originated that gives the offending team the least amount of territorial advantage (even if deflected off an attacking or defending player or an official).
If deemed to be an intentional off-side – face-off spot in the offending team’s end zone.

​When the Linesman signals a delayed off-side and a defending player shoots the puck which goes over the glass and out of play, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted at one of the defending zone end zone face-off spots (and the defending player would be assessed a minor penalty under Delaying the Game.

When the Linesman signals a delayed off-side and the original shot deflects off a defending player and out of play, the ensuing faceoff shall take place at the nearest face-off spot in the zone from where the puck was shot.

When the defending team is about to be penalized in the defending zone and the Linesman has a delayed off-side signaled against the attacking team on the same play, the ensuing face-off shall be conducted at one of the defending zone end zone face-off spots.

​Intentional Off-side - An intentional off-side is one which is made for the purpose of securing a stoppage of play regardless of the reason, whether either team is short-handed.  
If in the opinion of the Linesman, an intentional off-side play has been made, the puck shall be faced-off at the end face-off spot in the defending zone of the offending team. If, while an off-side call is delayed, a player of the offending team deliberately touches the puck to create a stoppage of play, the Linesman will signal an intentional off-side. If, in the judgement of the Linesman, the attacking player(s) are making an effort to exit the attacking zone and are in close proximity to the blue line at the time the puck is shot into the zone, the play will not be deemed to be an intentional off-side.

Section 6 (Overtime, Shootout, Playoff Overtime, Puck Out Of Bounds, Start of Game and Periods)
A.) Overtime (Regular Season)
Overtime (regular season): During regular-season games, if at the end of the three (3) regular ten (10) minute periods, the score shall be tied, each team shall be awarded one point in the League standings.

The teams will then play an additional overtime period of not more than five (5) minutes with the team scoring first declared the winner and being awarded an additional point. The overtime period shall be played with each team at a numerical strength number of players and goalies. Additional penalties to be assessed consistent with the rules in regulation time.
The overtime period will commence following a short intermission of two (2) minutes. The teams must change ends for the overtime period. Goalkeepers must go to their respective players’ benches during this rest period, however, penalized players must remain on the penalty bench. Should a penalized player exit the penalty bench during this rest period, he shall be returned immediately by the officials with no additional penalty being assessed, unless he commits an infraction of any other rule.  

​Overtime – Extra Attacker (regular season): Once the goalkeeper has been removed for an extra attacker in overtime during the regular-season, he must wait for the next stoppage of play before returning to his position. He cannot change “on the fly.” If he does, a bench minor penalty shall be assessed for having an ineligible player.

​OT Penalties (regular season): When regulation time ends and the teams are 4 on 2, teams will start overtime 3 on 1. Once one of the penalties expire, the play will be 3 on 2, until the next penalty expires where play will become 3 on 3

When regulation ends and teams are 3 on 3 teams will start overtime 3 on 3. 

If at the end of regulation time teams are four(4) skaters on three (3) skaters, overtime starts three (3) skaters on two (2) skaters. Once the penalty expires the player strength reaches three (3) skaters on three (3) skaters as appropriate.  

If a team is penalized in overtime, teams play three (3) skaters against two (2) skaters. If both teams are penalized with minor penalties at the same stoppage of play (with no other penalties in effect), teams will play two (2) skaters against two (2) skaters.

In overtime, if a team is penalized such that a two-man advantage is called for, then the offending team will remain at one (1) skater while the non-offending team will be permitted a third skater. 
After the two-man advantage is no longer in effect, the numerical strength of the team will revert back to either three (3) skaters on three (3) skaters or a three (3) skaters on two (2) skaters situation, as appropriate. 
B.) ​Shootout
Shootout - During regular-season games, if the game remains tied at the end of the five (5) minute overtime period, the teams will proceed to a shootout. The rules governing the shootout shall be the same as those listed under penalty shot's.
The shootout will commence immediately following the conclusion of the five (5) minute overtime period. Goalkeepers shall occupy the goal closest to their Team’s players’ bench for the shootout. The home team shall have the choice of shooting first or second. The teams shall alternate shots. 

Eligible players from each team shall participate in the shootout and they shall proceed in such order as the Coach selects. All players are eligible to participate in the shootout unless they are serving a five minute misconduct or have been assessed a game misconduct or match penalty. When a goalkeeper has been assessed a misconduct, the player designated to serve the misconduct penalty becomes ineligible for the shootout. If the misconduct is assessed to the goalkeeper during the course of the shootout, the player designated to serve the misconduct must be a player who has yet to shoot and thus becomes ineligible to shoot.

Once the shootout begins, the goalkeeper cannot be replaced (unless emergency.) No warm up shall be permitted for a substitute goalkeeper.

Each team will be given three shots, unless the outcome is determined earlier in the shootout. After each team has taken three shots, if the score remains tied, the shootout will proceed to a "sudden death" format. No player may shoot twice until everyone who is eligible has shot. If, however, because of injury or penalty, one team has fewer players eligible for the shootout than its opponent, both teams may select from among the players who have already shot. This procedure would continue until the team with fewer players has again used all eligible shooters.

Regardless of the number of goals scored during the shootout portion of overtime, the final score recorded for the game will give the winning team one more goal than its opponent, based on the score at the end of overtime.
The losing goalkeeper will not be charged with the extra goal against. The player scoring the game-winning goal in the shootout will not be credited with a goal scored in his personal statistics.
If a team declines to participate in the shootout procedure, the game will be declared as a shootout loss for that Team. If a team declines to take a shot it will be declared as "no goal."
C.) Overtime (Playoffs)
In the BMHL Playoffs, when a game is tied after three (3) twenty (10) minute regular periods of play, the teams shall take a five (5) minute intermission and resume playing ten (10) minute periods, changing ends for the start of each overtime period. The team scoring the first goal in overtime shall be declared the winner of the game. ​
D.) Puck Out Of Bounds
Puck Out of Bounds - When a puck goes outside the playing area at either end or either side of the rink, strikes any obstacles above the playing surface other than the boards or glass, causes the glass, lighting, timing device or the supports to break, it shall be faced-off at the nearest face-off spot in the zone from where it was shot or deflected out of play that gives the team at fault the least amount of territorial advantage, except when the attacking team in the attacking zone is responsible for causing the puck to go out of play, the ensuing face-off shall take place at the nearest face-off spot in the neutral zone outside the offending team’s attacking zone. With respect to when the attacking team is responsible for the puck going out of play in the attacking zone, the following exceptions apply and as a result, the face-off shall be conducted at one of the face-off spots in the attacking zone:
  • Shot at the net that deflects off the goal post or crossbar
  • Shot at the net that goes off the side of the net and out of play
  • Shot at the net that goes off the dasher boards or glass and out of play
  • Shot at the net that is tipped or deflected by a teammate out of play
  • Shot or shoot-in that becomes stuck in the boards, glass, or netting.
If the puck comes to rest on top of the boards surrounding the playing area, it shall be considered to be in play and may be played legally by hand or stick.

When the puck goes outside the playing area directly off the faceoff, regardless as to which player may have last contacted the puck, the face-off shall remain in the same spot and no penalty will be assessed to either team for delaying the game.

When the puck is shot and it makes contact with the equipment or the body of a player hanging over the players’ bench, or if the puck enters the players’ bench through an open bench door, the face-off shall take place at the nearest face-off spot in the zone from where the puck was shot, however, if the puck hits an opposing player’s glove or body that is hanging over the opposing team’s players’ bench or enters the opposing team’s players’ bench through an open bench door, the face-off shall take place in the neutral zone adjacent to the opponent’s players’ bench.  
Should the puck strike the spectator netting at the ends and the corners of the arena, play shall be stopped and the ensuing face-off shall be determined as if the puck went outside the playing area. However, if the puck striking the spectator netting goes unnoticed by the on-ice officials, play shall continue as normal and resulting play with the puck shall be deemed a legitimate play. Players must not stop playing the game until they hear the whistle to do so. 

​Puck Unplayable - When the puck becomes stuck in the netting, boards, ice, or glass on the outside of either goal so as to make it unplayable, or if it is “frozen” between opposing players intentionally or otherwise, the Referee shall stop the play. 

The puck may be played off the goal netting by either team. However, should the puck remain on the goal netting for more than three (3) seconds, play shall be stopped. Should the goalkeeper use his stick or glove to freeze the puck on the back of the net or should a defending player shield an attacking player from playing the puck off the back of the net, the face-off shall take place at one of the face-off spots in the defending zone.
Should the puck go under the goal either from behind or the side, or through the mesh from behind or the side, if this is witnessed by an on-ice official, play should be stopped immediately and the ensuing face-off should take place at the nearest face-off spot in the zone nearest to the location where the play was stopped.

Puck Out of Sight - Should a scramble take place or a player accidentally fall on the puck and the puck be out of sight of the Referee, he shall immediately blow his whistle and stop the play. The puck shall then be faced-off at the nearest face-off spot in the zone where the play was stopped unless otherwise provided for in the rules. ​

Puck Striking Official - Play shall not be stopped if the puck touches an official anywhere on the rink, regardless of whether a team is shorthanded or not. 

A puck that deflects back into the defending zone off an official who is in the neutral zone, will be deemed to be off-side. The puck striking or deflecting off an official does not automatically nullify a potential icing.  

When a puck deflects off an official and goes out of play, the ensuing face-off will take place at the face-off spot in the zone nearest to where the puck deflected off the official. 
If a goal is scored as a result of being deflected directly into the net off an official, the goal shall not be allowed. ​

​Face-Off Location - Notwithstanding this rule, should an attacking player cause the puck to go out of play or become unplayable in the attacking zone, the face-off shall take place at a neutral zone face-off spot or at a face-off spot in the zone from which the puck left the ice, whichever is less advantageous to the attacking team. 

For a puck that is unplayable due to being lodged in the netting, ice, boards, glass or as a result of it being frozen between opposing players, the resulting face-off shall be at either of the adjacent face-off spots unless in the opinion of the Referee, the stoppage was caused by the attacking team, in which case the resulting face-off shall be conducted in the neutral zone or at the nearest face-off spot in the zone from which the puck was shot, whichever gives the offending team the least amount of territorial advantage, unless otherwise covered in these rules.
When the puck hits the goal post or crossbar and goes out of play, regardless which team shot the puck, the ensuing face-off shall take place at one of the end zone face-off spots in the zone where the puck went out of play. If, however, the attacking team shoots the puck into the zone and a delayed off-side is indicated, or if the attacking team contacts the puck with a high-stick or bats the puck with a glove and it then deflects off the goal post or crossbar and goes out of play, the ensuing face-off shall be in the neutral zone outside the offending team’s attacking zone.

Verification of Time - Any loss of time on the game or penalty clocks due to the puck going out of play must be replaced. The Video Goal Judge may be consulted to ensure the time is accurately replaced. 
E.) Start of Game and Periods

Start of Game and Periods - The game shall be commenced at the time scheduled by a “face-off” in the center of the rink and shall be renewed promptly at the conclusion of each intermission in the same manner.

Bench Minor Penalty – A bench minor penalty shall be imposed on either or both teams if they are not on the ice or can be seen proceeding to the ice to start the second, third or any overtime period when the intermission time on the clock has expired. 

At the start of the second, third and any overtime period, all players with the exception of the starting players must proceed directly to their respective players’ benches. Skating, warm-ups or on-ice activities by non-starters will result in a bench minor penalty for delay of game to the offending team. ​

Choice of Ends - Home clubs shall have the choice of goals to defend at the start of the game except where both players’ benches are on the same side of the rink, in which case the home club shall start the game defending the goal nearest to its own bench. The teams shall change ends for each period of regulation time and, in the playoffs, for each period of overtime.

​Delays - No delay shall be permitted by reason of any ceremony, exhibition, demonstration or presentation unless consented to reasonably in advance by the visiting team. 

​End of Periods (intermissions) - At the end of each period, the home and away team players must proceed directly to their dressing room. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in a bench minor penalty for delay of game. 

-Players shall not be permitted to come on the ice during a stoppage of play or at the end of the first and second periods for the purpose of warming-up, or messing with the Zamboni. 

-All intermissions shall be a maximum of 2 minutes long, and both owners can agree to shorten or skip it.

Pre-Game Warm-Up - During the pre-game warm-up and before the commencement of play in any period, each team shall confine its activity to its own end of the rink.

-The Game Timekeeper shall be responsible for signaling the commencement and termination of the pre-game warm-up and any violation of this rule by the players shall be reported to the Commissioner.
-Five (5) minutes before the time scheduled for the start of the game, both teams shall vacate the ice and proceed to their dressing rooms while the ice is being flooded. Both teams shall be signaled by the Game Timekeeper to return to the ice together in time for the scheduled start of the game.  

Introductions - Intros have to be at least 5 minutes before the scheduled game time. Both owners can agree to skip intros. Anthems are optional depends on what both owners want. If one owners disagrees it goes to the home teams favor. 

​Start of Game - At the beginning of the game, if a team fails to appear on the ice promptly without proper justification and without at least 3 players and a gk 10 minutes past game time, a report to the commissioner shall be placed against the offending team, with the Commissioner deciding the final result.

​Start of Periods - At the beginning of the second and third periods, and overtime periods in playoffs (0:00 on the clock), clubs must be on the ice or be observed to be proceeding to the ice. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in a bench minor penalty for delay of game. 

-Before the start of the second and third periods (and overtime periods in the playoffs), the teams will proceed directly to their respective players’ benches. Only the starting line-up will be allowed on the ice. The visiting team will immediately place its starting line-up at the face-off circle, then the home team will follow. Skating, warm-ups or on-ice activities by non-starters will result in a bench minor penalty for delay of game to the offending team. 
-No warm-up involving pucks on the ice shall be permitted for a goalkeeper at the start of any period. If, after one warning, this continues, the Referee shall assess a delay of game penalty to the offending team. 

Section 7 (Time-outs, Tiering Round, Regular Season, Playoffs, Reschedules, Game Attendance)
A.) Time-outs
Time-out - Each team shall be permitted to take one thirty-second time-out during the course of any game, regular season or playoffs. All players including goalkeepers on the ice at the time of the time-out will be allowed to go to their respective benches.

This time-out must be taken during a normal stoppage of play. Only one time-out, commercial or team, shall be permitted at any one stoppage of play. For the purpose of this rule, a commercial time-out is deemed an “official time-out” and not charged to either team.

Any player designated by the Coach will indicate to the Referee (prior to the drop of the puck) that his team is exercising its option and the Referee will report the time-out to the Game Timekeeper who shall be responsible for signaling the termination of the time-out.

No time-out shall be granted following a face-off violation.

When a penalty shot has been awarded to either team by the Referee, no time-out will be granted once instructions have been given to the player taking the shot and the goalkeeper defending the shot. No time-out will be granted during the shootout.
No warm-up involving pucks on the ice shall be permitted for a goalkeeper or replacement goalkeeper during a time-out. If, after one warning, this continues, the Referee shall assess a delay of game penalty to the offending team.
B.) Free Agent Signings, Trade Deadline, and Trades

Trade Deadline Date: A date will be announced and that date will mark the end of trading players, or signing Free Agents.

Free Agent Signing Rules:
  • The Team Owner must fill out the Player signing form on the official BMHL website.
  • The Free Agent must approve the request to join the team.
  • The Free Agent must also report to the commissioner of the BMHL saying he joined the team.
  • The Commissioner of the BMHL will either approve the request or deny it.
  • The Free Agent is not allowed to leave the team after being signed.
  • The Team Owner can release the Free Agent at any point of the season.
  • Team Owners cannot offer Free Agents after the trade deadline.

Trading Rules:
  • Team Owners are allowed to trade players at anytime during the season UNTIL after the trade deadline date.
  • In order for a trade to be official BOTH Team Owners must fill out the "BMHL Trade Form"
  • If one of the Team Owners fills out the form, but the other Team Owner does not; the trade will be deemed INVALID until the other other Team Owner reports to the Commissioner of the BMHL.
  • Whether the player/players like the team they got traded to or not, if the trade became finalized the players must play for their new respective teams no matter the circumstances.
C.) Tiering Round

Tiering round: Marks the beginning of the BMHL season. This is a round used to help even out the tiers to make it as fair as possible heading into the regular season. Points count for every game played, but with special exceptions mentioned below.
Cross-over games: Games where a lower ranked tier 1 team plays against a high ranked tier 2 game to see how they fare against each other. This game does not count for points (unless both teams end up in the same tier as each other for the start of the regular season process)

​Process: Teams play through their tiering round schedule on the official BMHL website. Every team has to play at least 3 games before cross-overs can happen. They can play anywhere between 3-6 games depending on scores.

The BMHL carefully examines the score results of every single game. If there are select teams that appear to be struggling in BMHL tier 1 they will have to play a "cross-over" game against a high ranked tier 2 team. BMHL tier 2 teams that appear to be easily winning games against everyone in tier 2 will also have to play a "cross-over" game against a lower ranked tier 1 team.

After a "cross-over" game happens the league will review the game and will have the final decision on whether or not a team moves up or down.

Any teams that played against each other during the tiering round, and remained in the same tier after the tiering round will still have those games counted for points for the regular season.
Any team that left the tier after the tiering round ended will have all the games against those other tier opponents count as "meaningless" and all the points will be erased from the standings.
D.) Regular Season
Regular Season: All games during this portion of the season count for points. Any teams that played against each other during the tiering round, and remained in the same tier after the tiering round will still have those games counted for points for the regular season.

  • Playoff format is announced by the league, and the schedule is created.
  • Depending on how many games counted during the tiering-round will impact the regular season schedule and how many home and away games teams play.
  • Teams will play games on a regular basis. This step is repeated until every team plays 1 home and 1 away game against every team in their tier. 
  • The league announces which teams did and didn't qualify for the playoffs.
E.) Playoffs
Tier 1: Tier 1 playoff teams have the privilege to compete against each other for the BMHL Cup and a BMHL tier 1 banner. The format to win the Cup will be determined prior to the start of the regular season.

Tier 2: Tier 2 playoff teams will compete for a BMHL tier 2 banner. The format to win the banner will be determined prior to start of the regular season
F.) Reschedules
 No rescheduling will be allowed. Only emergencies that are reported 24 hours before game time can be rescheduled. No game can be rescheduled over a single player missing the game. All teams are expected to have large and active teams that show up to most; if not all the games.
G.) Game Attendance
  • ​Both teams must have at least 3 players and a goalie to start a game.
  • If a team does not have 3 players and a goalie within 10 minutes past game time. It is an automatic forfeit. 
  • At any time a team does not have 2 players and a goalie during a game, they will get 5 minutes to get 2 legal players and 1 goalie; or else the team automatically forfeits the game.
  • If both teams have at least 4 players and a goalie, the game will be played 4 vs. 4 with goalies (unless other wise noted by penalties.) 
  • If at least one of the teams does have 4 players and a goalie, then the game will be played 3 on 3 with goalies until the other team has enough players for 4 vs. 4 with goalies (unless other wise noted by penalties.) If a team doesn't have at least 4 legal players than the game shall be played 2 vs. 2 with goalies until the team has enough for 3 on 3 with goalies.
  • If a team does not have at least 2 legal players and a goalie, they will be given 5 minutes to get another player on their roster. If time expires past 5 minutes they will forfeit the game.
        H.) Affiliation

        Associations: Are defined as teams that have more than one team in the organization.

        Association rules:
        • All teams that are an association must confirm it prior to the start of the season. You can't affiliate your team after your first game of the season is played.
        • If the teams in the association are in different tiers than the higher tiered team can bring up players from the team in the lower tier at anytime during the season by having the Tier 1 Team Owner/GM fill out the "Player Affiliation Form."
        • The lower tiered team is NOT allowed to bring down players from the higher tiered team.
        • All players brought up must be done so at least 12 hours before game time.
        • If one of the players in the lower tiered team is brought up, he is allowed to play up to 3 games for the higher tiered team; however, if he plays more than 3 games than he has to stay on the higher tiered team for the remainder of the season.
              I.) Owner Replacement
              • If a team forfeits 2 games in a regular season than they will be under discipline by the league with a chance to be replaced with a new team owner.
              • Teams are not automatically kicked out after 2 forfeits however the league will talk to the owner of the team to see if their excuses are valid or not.
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